Wednesday, November 17, 2010

2011 Graduating Seniors

This year we had the privilege of working with some great Seniors. All of them were a lot of fun and really enjoyed their portrait experience. So, here's a short video of some of the portraits we did this year. I'll be posting this on Facebook and on our website too.


The Colorado Springs Photographer

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Miracle Baby And Mom

Last week, I got a call from a publication company in London. They publish several magazines in England and they were wanting to do a story on the "Miracle Baby and Mom."

I guess I was about the only person in Colorado Springs who hadn't heard of Tracy Hermanstorfer before. Tracy and her husband, Mike, went to Memorial Hospital on Christmas Eve last year for what they expected to be a normal delivery of their son. But, right after receiving the pain-killing drugs to help her through labor, Tracy went into cardiac arrest and died. Moments later, their son, though delivered by C-section, was still-born.

But, that's not the end of the story, thankfully! For unknown reasons, after delivery, Tracy revived. It wasn't that she had passed out and then woke up. She was clinically dead and then came back! Coltyn also was revived by the emergency medical staff and Mike, who had watched all of this with stunned amazement, received his wife and son back from the dead.

You can do a Google search for Tracy's name or "miracle baby and mom" and you'll see dozens of results. Stories were done about them by all major news networks, all the local news outlets, Reader's Digest, and several other publications. Mike told me that they've been on 27 different TV shows, including Oprah, and about 125 publications.

So, as Coltyn's 1st birthday is approaching, they're still in demand in the news media.

It was an honor to meet the Hermanstorfers and get to photograph them.

The publication, Woman Magazine, is due to be published in less than 3 weeks, and they'll be sending me a copy to add to my collection.

There are many nay-sayers who are trying to find a plausible medical explanation for both the deaths and revivals of both baby and mom, but the Hermanstorfers are, rightly I believe, holding to the fact that a miracle was indeed seen at the hospital that night.

Let me also say that there is a story of another resurrection from the dead that bears mentioning. Jesus Christ died on a cross after a terrible torture. Medically speaking, there was no way he could have survived the ordeal. After three days, he rose from the dead and came out of the grave. Some say his disciples stole his body. Some say Jesus merely swooned, or fainted. In just a few weeks the Western World will be celebrating a holiday that has much to do with the birth of this man, Jesus Christ.

What do you believe about Jesus Christ? I'd like to hear from you about it.

Please read through this website, entitled Two Ways To Live, then feel free to Email me your thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

The Colorado Springs Photographer

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Widefield High School Senior - Tyler

Although the yearbook deadlines have all pretty much passed, we're still delivering great senior portraits to class of '11 seniors in the Colorado Springs area.

This is Tyler, from Widefield High School. We just showed his family these portraits a few days ago, and they loved them.

Thanks for watching!

The Colorado Springs Photographer

Monday, November 8, 2010

Siberian Wedding

No, I didn't have to go to Siberia for this one, but the bride did come here from Siberia.

Last month, Andrew and Liliya were married at a civil ceremony, and then we headed out to Manitou for some really fun bride and groom photos.

They met in New York when Andrew worked there and Liliya was an exchange student.

We had a beautiful day; the fall colors were perfect, and we came away from it all with some energetic and fun images.

Here are some of my favorites.

Thanks for reading.

The Colorado Springs Photographer

Last Week's Climb

Well, we made it up and down Pikes Peak in 11 hours.

Considering that I forgot to take breakfast, that was kind of a brutal hiking pace for me. :-P

Here are a few shots from the day.

About 6:30am - still needing to use lights.

The spot we call "Photo Rock."

Refilling our water bottles at the timberline shelter.

It was a great time and my 15 year-old son, Benjamin, beat me up and down the trail for the first time.

Thanks for reading.

The Colorado Springs Photographer

Thursday, November 4, 2010

One More Pikes Peak Trip

There's still no significant snow on Pikes Peak, so we're off to conquer it one more time. Benjamin (15), Josiah (13), and I will be hiking the Peak tomorrow so I'll be out of the office. If you call us at our office number, 749-0043, you can either leave a message on the answering machine, or my wife, Beth, may take your call.

This photo was taken at the Cirque on Benjamin's first trip when he was 13.

We're going for record time this year because I have an appointment at 5:45pm tomorrow night.

The weather at the summit is supposed to be in the 40's and it should be clear all day, so we expect a great day of hiking!

On our return trip from the summit, we'll NOT be coming down THIS way... !

(disclaimer: I do not endorse, nor am responsible for the videographer's taste in music :-P )

Here's a video of one of our climbs last year. At the summit, I met John MacArthur, a very well-known author and pastor from California. He's been on Larry King's show several times and I really appreciate his stance for the authority of scripture.

Thanks for reading! Have a great Friday!

The Colorado Springs Photographer

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Kat's Senior Portrait Session

This season, we were honored to have photographed Kat, from Palmer High School. Kat photographed beautifully. These are just a couple of samples from her session, and 2 of my favorites.

Congratulations, Kat, on your senior year. Make it a great one!

The Colorado Springs Photographer